HARTING MICA CISS Complete IIoT Starter Kit

The HARTING MICA CISS Complete IIoT Starter Kit contains everything needed for a basic condition monitoring application.  The kit comes with a sensor that can measure seven different parameters, including vibrations, acoustics, temperature, humidity and more.  The sensor is connected to the HARTING MICA, the edge-computing device that processes, computes and visualizes all the data coming from the sensor.  The HARTING MICA is pre-installed with software that includes an easy to use dashboard that shows you all of the sensor information.  

MICA modular hardware and software design enables IoT architects, Integrators, development engineers and end-users, to unleash their systems potential. This is accomplished through a powerful blend of a web-based non-proprietary open source architecture.

  • Monitor conditions (e.g. temperature, humidity, etc…) on a machine.
  • Establish parameters for machine to see when behavior is outside the norm.
  • Lay the groundwork for establishing a predictive maintenance model.
  • Medical Electronics
  • Industrial (non-Robotics)
  • Non-Auto Transportation
  • Construction Equipment (Not Vehicles)

Industry 4.0, machine and plant construction, mobile machinery, collecting and aggregating data at the edge of the IIoT, machine condition monitoring, condition-based maintenance, manufacturing process monitoring, smart structures / smart infrastructure, Medical Internet of Things (MIoT), connecting to legacy systems and bringing them into the IIoT, transportation and infrastructure

Video: What is the MICA and what does it do?

HARTING MICA CISS Complete IIoT Starter Kit Setup Tutorial